States Assam Nagaon Jugijan

Jugijan Nagaon

A village Panchayat located in the district of Nagaon of Assam. The state capital of Jugijan Village is Dispur which is 92.9 km away from Jugijan. Other places surrounding Jugijan are Bordowa, Ranthali, Raha, Jamunamukh, Silghat, Hojai and many more. The village follows the left side for driving. The people residing here use Assamese, Bodo and Bengali for communication.

Popular things to do & see in and around

The beautiful village of Jugijan is surrounded by various amazing tourist attractions like the bird pilgrimage popularly known as Pokhi Tirtha. Along with that, you can visit Champawati Kund which is a waterfall. Lowkhowa wildlife sanctuary is also a famous tourist attraction near Jugijan. Kamakhya temple, Bordowa Namghar are also famous places to visit.

Getting There

Jugijan can be easily reached from Nagaon City Centre through buses run by the state government and also through taxis on rental basis. The roads are well connected and the trip to Jugijan is quite comfortable and adventurous, all the bus stands have rickshaw facilities to take you to this lovely village.

Best Time to Visit

Since the village is located in the state of Assam which has a pleasant weather in winter,

Jugijan Nagaon, Assam

so the best time to visit is winter because during summer the humidity is too high and precipitation as well.

Assam Travel Information at a Glance