Chabba Naldehra, Himachal

Chabba, Naldehra

Situated at a distance of 18 km from Naldehra in the district of Shimla, Chabba is the point from where the 11 km river rafting stretch starts with the old Hydroelectric Power House on Sutlej River and finishes with the sulphur springs at Tattapani Village. Travel to Naldehra and enjoy leisurely walks on the lush green hayfields of Chabba. Once to step in the ranges of Himalayas in Naldehra, you'll come across the dazzling beauty of the Himalayan landscapes. Chabba offers a picturesque view of the natural beauty. Nature lovers will be charmed by the spellbinding views of thick forests and grasslands. It is blessed with plenty of attractions and boundless natural beauty that will make your trip an unforgettable one.

Adventure Activities Chabba is famous for White River Rafting and so if you are an adventure seeker, then you may plan your trip in the month of May-June or September-October and get a thrilling experience of river rafting.