Hospitals For Hearing Implant in India

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1 Hospital (AHA certified)

Hospitals For Hearing Implant in India


Sevenhills Hospital

Mumbai, India

585 reviews

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  • 1500 bed capacity, one of the few hospitals in the world providing a large amount of inpatient beds
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Hearing Implant Surgery in India

implants are small, intricate, medical electronic devices that are surgically implanted inside the ear or on the skull. These implants produce hearing sensations in people who have severe hearing loss. It improves the understanding of speech in environment filled with noise. 

There are three kinds of leading hearing implants; they are bone-anchored hearing aids (BAHA), middle ear implants, and cochlear implants.

Bone-anchored hearing implants are for patients with single-sided deafness, while middle ear implants are for those patients with moderate to severe hearing loss who did not find success with hearing aids. A hybrid cochlear implant can help patients who can hear low-pitched sounds but have lost the ability to hear most high-pitched sounds.

Cochlear implantation is the most common and effective hearing solution performed in India. It is beneficial for people with moderate to profound hearing loss who cannot benefit from traditional hearing aids.

Hearing implant surgery – Eligibility

People with sensory hearing disorders, functional middle ear disorders that cannot be treated with ear surgery, conductive hearing loss, ear malformations, foreign bodies in the auditory canal, and certain conditions like eczema of the auditory canal or chronic otitis externa are eligible for hearing implants.

However, adults and young children age of 6 to 12 months can be benefited from cochlear implants. To be eligible for a cochlear implant, you must have:

  • Hearing loss that is severe and interrupts with spoken communication.
  • Limited benefit with hearing aids.
  • No medical conditions that increase the risks associated with cochlear implants.
  • High motivation to participate in hearing rehabilitation.

Cochlear implant surgery- The Procedure

Before deciding for the surgical implant, you will have an initial consultation with the audiologist and the ENT surgeon. A complete medical examination is done to evaluate the most suitable procedure. You will have to undergo a complete audio and speech assessment along with hearing aid trials to know about the severity of the hearing loss. Imaging tests like CT and MRI scanning of the ears and brain are recommended. 

Cochlear implantation surgery is usually done under general anesthesia. An incision is made behind your ear to create a small hole in the portion of the skull bone (mastoid) where the internal device rests. A small opening is then created in the cochlea to thread the electrode of the internal device. The incision is stitched so that the internal device is under your skin.

You may require a hospital stay for observation. About four to six weeks after the implantation, you will have a follow-up visit for fine-tuning adjustments of the implant. The length of stay in India during your visit for cochlear implantation may vary between three to six weeks.

Top destinations for hearing implants in India

Hearing implant surgery in India is an established, long-term, and effective hearing solution for people with moderate to profound hearing loss. Hearing implant hospitals in India are performed by the best ENT surgeons in extensive facilities, making it one of the finest go-to place for hearing implants. Cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad are the top destinations for hearing implant in India.

Cost of hearing implant in India

India is the most preferred destination for patients who are looking for low-cost hearing implants surgery. The cost of the hearing implantation in India is four to five times lesser when compared to other countries.  The cochlear implant cost in India may vary between $6000 and $14000. A number of medical tourists from around the world travel to India because of low cochlear implant surgery costs. 

The range of cost depends on the length of stay as well as the device is chosen. Additionally, the net expenses depend on the number of days in the hospital, cost of pre-surgical tests, type of surgery, hospital location, and the surgeon's expertise.

Hearing implant surgery India: Facilities for International Clients 

  • Internationally accredited hospitals
  • Surgeons with international experience, education, and certification
  • Private hospital suites similar to luxury hotel rooms
  • The friendly and efficient healthcare team
  • Personalized care and assistance throughout the visit
  • Foreign language assistance when required
  • Reduced waiting time for the surgery

Contact us

TMI Medical Tourism is the best choice, which helps in choosing the best healthcare facilities in India. In addition to the world-class treatment at an affordable price, TMI offers excellent services. Patients who are planning for hearing implantation can consider TMI Medical Tourism for their medical needs with a luxury experience. To know more, please connect by email, WhatsApp, or contact form.

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