Weather in Corbett National Park

On an average, the temperature ranges between 5°C to 30°C during the winter and 40°C to 20°C during summer. The region also receives heavy rainfall. For more details about the weather have a look at the detailed chart mentioned below:

January -(-2°C)to 22°C

January is a good time to plan a visit. Day remains sunny while the nights are extremely hot

February - (-1°C)to 22°C

The weather remains pleasant, just the perfect to plan a holiday

March - 11°C to 26°C

Weather during the march is a mixture of hot and cold. Though, it is a good time to plan a jeep safari.

April - 20°C to 34°C

As compared to march, the weather is little high in April. It is a good time to go for safari and outdoor activities.

May - 23°C to 40°C

During the days, the weather remains high as much as 40°C. Make a point to bring some cotton clothes.

June - 24°C to 42°C

Major zones of Corbett National Park remains are closed for tourists from 15th June. Also, June is the hottest month of Corbett.

July - 24°C to 34°C

It remains cloudy with infrequent rains. Not a good time to go as the region remains more prone to soil erosion and landslides.

August - 25°C to 30°C

It remains cloudy with frequent rain.

September - 22°C to 26°C

The day remains pleasant but there are always chances of rain.

October - 16°C to 26°C

Post monsoon rain expected in some area. Mostly gates reopen for tourists in October. Also, it is a good time to plan a safari.

November - 10°C to 24°C

November is also a good time to plan a safari. It might get not too hot nor too cold, just the perfect to plan a holiday.

December - 0°C to 22°C

One of the coldest months at Corbett. Heavy woolens are recommended.