
Guide to Panchakarma Treatment in India- Get Healed by the Best of Mother Nature

Guide to Panchakarma Treatment in India- Get Healed by the Best of Mother Nature
Last Updated: November 22, 2019

Let’s admit it, we are living in an age where most of us have become ignorant and one of the reasons could be the sedentary or fast pace lifestyle because of which many people are facing a lot of problems concerning the physical health or the body posture. This is leading to persistent issues of lower back pain, obesity and slipped/herniated disc which are emerging health issues. But what could be the solution to such problems is the real question. Isn’t it? Who should you listen to – the modern medical science that recommends to undergo an operation or getting healed by the best Mother Nature (Ayurveda Treatment). If you or any of your loved one have been facing such problem, then it’s now time to experience Panchakarma which is an integral part of the Science of Ayurveda. The therapy has been helping patients to balance the harmony between body, mind and consciousness through the process of detoxification that lets one feel rejuvenated.

Why Panchakarma?

Why Panchkarma?

The History of Ayurveda is believed to have zero side effects and have treated patients with the help of herbal extracts. In other words, we could simply say Ayurveda or the Traditional Indian Medical Science is not just a method to treat your health problems but it is a complete way of life. Panchakarma consists of a set of five Ayurvedic Therapies which are designed mainly for cleansing the body toxins as purification of the body is very essential so that it could be replenished with the new colours of youthfulness, vitality and good health. Let’s see what are the problems that could be cured by undergoing the Ayurveda Panchakarma Therapy.

Slipped Disc

Slipped Disc

Slipped Disc, aka Herniated Disc, is a problem which is being faced by hundreds of people these days. The problem would manifest in the shoulder and then uneasiness or numbness in the neck and arms. Patients seeking for allopathic treatment to get relief from the discomfort caused by slipped discs never found a permanent solution as it advocates the use of painkillers or traction which could also trigger side effects. In such a case, the condition might become more terrible. But why worry when Ayurvedic Treatment for Slip Disc promises complete healing. Yes, Panchakarma Treatment help the patient get healed by avoiding the pain of surgery. So next time if you get to know that somebody in your family or friends is suffering from the problem of slipped disc, then recommend them Panchakarma for Slip Disc Treatment.



Becoming a mother is a beautiful experience, no matter whether it be at an early age or late. But due to the fast pace of life and building the career, unfortunately getting pregnant stays at the back burner. As you know, woman’s fertility starts to decline after 30s and chances of getting pregnant in the 40s is just 5%. For this reason, few women get good results with IUI/IVF but nothing could be more stressful for the patient and the doctor than to face a repetitive process of IVF. So here is when panchakarma comes into the picture for those who are expecting to be a mother. The treatment raises success rate of Artificial Reproductive Technique or can even increase the chance of natural fertility.



Psoriasis, a kind of skin disease which is caused by some abnormal activity of the body’s immune system which results in skin becoming itchy with dry patches which might cause inflammation and extra skin to come out. There have been instances when people considered taking the prescribed medicines by the doctors but they ended up causing unforgettable side effects. But fortunately, their psoriasis came under control when they took natural treatment (panchakarma) that helped them manage the problem and recover fast. During the course of the therapy for psoriasis you’ll be asked by the therapists to consume medicated ghee, covering the entire body in a paste of medicines and mud, pouring medicated buttermilk on head and if required they use medicated enemas that help in detoxification. Apart from this, they even use several herbal remedies that helps in reducing inflammation, relief in itching and support the immune system.

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)


PCOS is yet another problem that is being faced by many women these days. It is believed that the cysts on the ovaries aren’t harmful but can lead to hormonal imbalances. Even though the cause of PCOS are many but one of them is the unhealthy lifestyle. But the important question is how and where can it be cured? According to modern medicine, there is no cure for PCOS, the problem could only be managed by medicines and lifestyle modifications. But Ayurveda has cure for PCOS and the only thing is one needs to have strong will power and be patient during the course of the treatment as it might take 6-12 months to be completely healed. Panchakarma and meditation would help you see and feel the difference within yourself. The treatment also, reduces body weight, removes toxin, promotes fertility, boosts the metabolism, and regulates normal hormone secretion etc.

Insomnia (Sleeplessness)


Due to high stress levels and time pressure associated with the modern lifestyle, Insomnia has become a common problem. With stress during the day make an individual too worried to sleep at night. Ultimately lack of stress would lead to a negative impact on job and at home. If you or anybody in your family or friends have been suffering from insomnia, then it’s now time to discard all the sleeping pills. Panchakarma treatment along with some lifestyle habits would help you to get rid of the sleeplessness problem. The full body Ayurvedic massage using different kind of oils relaxes the body and removes tension which ultimately helps you get a sound sleep.



Acne or Pimple is a problem which is experienced by most of the people especially in their 20s. Known as Acne Vulgaris in medical terms, these red spots usually occur on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulder. If you have been experiencing acne and nothing is working out for you, then it’s time to shine with Ayurveda. Yes, Panchakarma Treatment for Acne is a natural and safer option to get rid of the acne/pimple problem and get a smooth and blemish free skin.



Joint pain have always been worse and unbearable. With long term medication, it has often been observed that there is zero or no outcome in the pain caused by osteoarthritis. Panchakarma would not only prevent deterioration in the joint pain but also rejuvenate the damaged cartilages. The treatment starts by identifying the root cause and accordingly the treatment is proceeded further.

For Sciatica and Lower Back Pain

For Sciatica and Lower Back Pain

A disorder that causes mild to excruciating pain in the lower back (sciatic nerve). The pain can even make one’s life miserable. Ayurveda is specialized in treating Sciatica and has healed many patients with the highest treatment success rate. The experts would offer excellent Panchakarma Therapies along with internal medicines for treating Sciatica. The procedure involves a well-formed flour dough on the lower back which is filled with warm oil. This helps in increasing the blood circulation of the area, which results in relieving pain, relaxing muscles and reducing stiffness. Similar procedure is also used to treat back pain.



There is nothing new if I say weighing too much isn’t good for the health. Individuals suffering from overweight or obesity might have to face an increasing risk of high blood pressure, heart problem or even certain kind of sleep disorders, breathing problem and a lot more. The question is what you do after knowing this? Taking medicines and injections are no good options as the after effects are bad and might not suit everybody.

So, it is here when Panchakarma can help one get rid of obesity. As the treatment is completely chemical free and is done by 100% natural therapies, there are no chances for any side-effects. The treatment enhances the digestive system, boosts and balances the metabolism, flushes out body toxins and re-establishes clearer complexion.

Apart from these, there are many other health problems and disorders that can be treated by Panchakarma Therapy:

  • Gastrointestinal Disorder: Increases Acidity, Digestive Disorder, Constipation and Hemorrhoids
  • Cardiac Disorder: Blood Circulation or Coronary and Hypertension
  • Psychological Disorder: Depression, Anxiety and Addiction
  • Body Functionality Disorder: Paralysis and Apoplexy

Panchakarma- The Five Steps of Cleansing/Purifying

The process of Panchakarma involves two set of principles: Oleation and Formetation. The former one involves application of oil or oily substance on the area that has to be treated and the latter involves the therapy of generating sweat. Both the process helps to flush out the toxins from the body in order to proceed further with other steps of the treatment. So, let’s check out what are the 5 steps involved in the Panchakarma Therapy that helps to cleanse the body.


The very first step of Panchakarma which is induced by emetic (a medicine that causes vomiting). The patient is given both internal and external oleation and formentation therapies for two days. Once the toxin (Kapha) starts gathering in the upper body cavities, the patient is given medicine and decoction. This leads to vomiting and helps in eliminating the toxins from the body tissues. Vaman therapy is especially recommended primarily for conditions such as acute bronchitis, goitre, obesity, hypersomnia, asthma and hyperacidity.


The second procedure involves Virechan which is a medicated purgation therapy which occurs through the evacuation of the bowels. Like Vaman, the patient is given both internal and external oleation and fermentation. Once it is done, the patient is given a herbal laxative that helps in facilitating the evacuation of the bowels. The Virechana Therapy is recommended for conditions such as jaundice, celiac disease, anaemia, acute gastritis, colitis and more.


Considered as the best practices, Basti or Vasti is a unique contribution of Ayurveda to the science of healthy living. The therapy has proven to be best especially in complicated and chronic diseases. In this step herbal decoctions, oils, ghee or milk (niruha basti) are administered into the rectum which shows incredible positive results to the patient. The therapy is beneficial for vata dominated conditions such as piles, constipation, arthritis, diarrhea, anal prolapse etc.


The therapy is effective in clearing and cleaning the problems related to head by using the nasal drops. Nasya involves a gentle massage and fermentation around the head and shoulder. Then the prepared nasal drops are poured into both the nostrils. The therapy is extremely helpful in treating the upper respiratory catarrh, sinusitis, viral catarrh, migraine, sleep disorder, headache etc.


Also known as Therapeutic Bloodletting, Raktamokshan is utilised in the treatment of diseases caused by vitiation of blood. This could be done either on a particular part of the body or the entire body. Medicinal leeches are best employed for this procedure which is done under observation of skilled therapist. Raktamokshana is particularly useful in treating skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and more.

Note: Research in Ayurvedic Sciences shows the efficacy of Panchakarma Therapy in the treatment of major depressive diseases and sciatica. 75-100% patients showed significant improvement in confirmed cases of sciatica.

Best Places in India to Go for Panchakarma

For thousands of years, people have been embracing the traditional system of ayurveda for mind and body wellness, healing and relaxation. Right from customized meals to personal massages, oil treatments to other hand-picked methods of care, Ayurveda has always proved itself in providing satisfaction to an individual’s mental and physical well-being. So, without taking much of the time, let’s begin with the best places for Ayurvedic Treatment (Panchakarma) in India, where you can get full benefits of the treatment.

  • Somatheeram Ayurveda Resort, Kovalam Kerala
  • Ananda Spa in the Himalayas, Narendra Nagar, Uttarakhand
  • Devaaya Ayurveda and Nature Cure Centre, Tiswadi, Goa
  • Sreekrishna Ayurveda Panchakarma Centre, Alappuzha, Kerala
  • Hemadri Ayurveda Centre, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand
  • AVN Arogya Ayurvedic Retreat, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
  • Kairali Ayurvedic Health Village, Palakkad, Kerala
  • The Leela, Udaipur, Rajasthan
  • Chingoli Ayurveda Hospital and Research Centre, Alappuzha, Kerala
  • Jiva Ayurveda Clinic & Panchakarma, Faridabad, Haryana
  • Elephant Pass Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat, Kodanad, Kerala
  • Vana Malsi Estate, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
  • Shinshiva Ayurvedic Resort, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
  • Ayurvaid Kalmatia, Almora, Uttarakhand

When not to go for Panchakarma?

Panchakarma Therapy should be avoided during pregnancy, fever, or any kind of physical injury. Once you are all set to go for Panchakarma, you must tell about the medical history (if any) or any disorder that you are suffering from. This will make it easier for the physician to plan your treatment accordingly.

What is the best time to receive Ayurveda (Panchakarma)Treatment?

The ideal time to get the Panchakarma or other Ayurveda Therapy is during the monsoon season i.e., between June and September as the atmosphere remains cool, moist and dust-free. During monsoon season, the body pores open up making it easier for the herbal oil to penetrate the skin.

Today Ayurveda holiday is a trending genre in the travel industry. So try to attain this relaxing break. If you have been looking forward for Ayurveda Retreats in India then I hope this blog got you covered to pick one destination from the list and escape into the world of charm, rejuvenation and comfort. If you have any other queries related to Panchakarma Treatment or other well being programmes, then give us a call at +91-9212553106 or drop email at Also, please share this blog with your friends and family and if there is any other Ayurveda destination that I haven’t covered here, then please suggest them in the comment section below.

Published: 12 Sep, 2018
Swati Mishra


Born and brought up in Assam- ‘The Land of Tea Gardens’, Swati is a Travel Writer who yearns to travel around the whole world someday. Coming from one of lush-green and peaceful states of India, her love for nature and rain is beyond imagination. She is an observant and is keen to explore more about the things that comes her way which could be clearly seen in her write ups. Other than this, she is a foodie and can do anything for food that is made out of cheese especially- The Alfredo Penne Pasta!

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