Medical Tourism Benefits

Unbeatable Success Story of Medical Tourism Industry in India

Unbeatable Success Story of Medical Tourism Industry in India

A huge number of patients visit India every year to seek high-quality medical and surgical treatment services. Medical tourism in India is popular for a variety of procedures, especially the ones related to the cosmetic, orthopedic, cardiac, neurology, and organ transplant surgery. The medical tourism industry in India is currently growing at an immense rate. According to a medical tourism report for the year 2015, more than 2,000,000 p

Top 5 Tourism Benefits Every Patient Should Consider

Top 5 Tourism Benefits Every Patient Should Consider

The tourism benefits are huge for Westerners in many developing countries. Many people receive treatment each year for a much lower cost than they could pay in their own home countries, and with international travel being pretty much hassle-free, it’s a great deal. More and more JCI accredited international hospitals and centers are popping up all over the world, making it much easier to find quality healthcare a