How to Reach Chitrakoot

Chitrakoot is well-connected to all the major cities of India so reaching here is convenient. Tourist planning to visit Chitrakoot can make it by all the major means of transport including airways, railways and roadways.


The nearest airports to Chitrakoot are Bamrauli Airport in Prayagraj which is located at a distance of approx 141 kms and Varanasi airport which is located at a distance of approx 260 km the airports are well-connected with the other major cities of the country making it convenient for the travellers to reach Chitrakoot.


The nearest railhead to Chitrakoot is at Karvi which is at a distance of approx 8 kms. Also, the second nearest railhead is Chitrakoot Dham which is at a distance approx 12 kms. Tourists getting down at the railway station can avail the bus or taxi service to Chitrakoot.


Travelling to Chitrakoot by road is convenient as tourists can avail the state-run buses from the nearby cities of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh including Prayagraj, Banda, Kanpur, Satna and Jhansi.

Uttar Pradesh Travel Information

Find the relevant information on how to plan hassle free trip to Uttar Pradesh. We have put together the best travel guide which include details on how to reach Uttar Pradesh by different means of transport along with authentic information on various trains, flights and buses. Find details on best time to visit Uttar Pradesh with average temperature in different seasons. Also explore the best places to visit for cultural tour, heritage attractions or sightseeing tour in the state with the help of the map made easy for you to navigate.